Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Alma 62

After about thirteen years of war with the Lamanites this go-around, Moroni discovered a problem that was hampering the Nephite government.  Happy that the problem wasn't with the government itself, Moroni moved swiftly to resolve the internal problem that had stopped the flow of sorely-needed resources to the armies.  Once the internal problem was resolved, the Nephite army was able to successfully end this long, long war.  The Nephites ended the war by using the new resources to re-take one city at a time.  This reminds me a little of trying to get out of debt.  We will always have a need to provide for ourselves housing and transportation, food and clothing.  It’s when we add the “internal problem” of credit card and other revolving and installment debt that our resources become strained, and our battle against debt can be as long and hard as this terrible war was.  One way out is to “leave Lehi and Teancum in charge of what we have control over” (that is, continue making regular payments on housing, transportation, etc.) and focus on our revolving debt one account at a time. Once all of that is gone, we have the resources we need to deal with other little problems that come up.  Let’s attack our debt as methodically and with the kind of fervor Moroni displayed.  Then perhaps we, like he, can end our days in peace.

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