Friday, August 1, 2014

Jacob 7

When the learned and sophisticated Sherem, who was “deceived by the power of the devil” preached against Jacob’s teachings that we should believe in Christ instead of relying solely upon the Law of Moses, he met with some success.  With that success Sherem sought out Jacob, the Nephite spiritual leader, whose past experiences made it impossible for him to be shaken in his testimony of the Savior.  How did Jacob respond to Sherem’s sophisticated arguments?  He didn’t really.  The Lord responded through Jacob (see verse 8).  Most of us don’t have the spiritual background that Jacob had, but the Lord doesn’t require great spiritual leaders to be the instruments through whom he works (think about young Samuel or Joseph Smith, Jr., for examples).  All the Lord needs is an open conduit through which to work.  How do we become such a conduit?  It requires prayer, fasting, searching the scriptures (see verse 23) and serving other people.  With that ongoing preparation, the Lord can inspire and thus work through us as we testify of Christ.

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