Thursday, December 11, 2014

3 Nephi 20

Many Bible scholars over many centuries have faithfully studied and commented on every doctrine taught in that Holy Work.  In 3 Nephi 20, Jesus Christ, Himself, comments on the writings of Isaiah.  He does so in other places in the Book of Mormon, also, but here He comments specifically on Isaiah’s prophesies of the gathering of Israel found in Isaiah 52.  Generally speaking, the Savior teaches that when the prophesies of Isaiah are fulfilled, then will the Abrahamic Covenant be fulfilled.  Specifically, all kindreds of the earth shall be blessed through Abraham’s seed by the “pouring out of the Holy Ghost through [Christ] unto the Gentiles” (v. 27), and through the gathering of the House of Israel to the lands of their inheritance.  The “Jews” are to be gathered to Jerusalem (v. 33) once they receive the fullness of the gospel, believe in Christ and begin to pray to the father in His name (verses 29 – 33, etc.).  The “Nephites” are to be gathered to the New Jerusalem (v. 22), in the Western Hemisphere.  The part of the Abrahamic Covenant that deals with posterity is not specifically mentioned in this chapter, but through the gathering, it is implied.  How wonderful to have access to the Savior’s thoughts on a portion of the writings of Isaiah!    How incredible it must have been to listen to Him comment on the scriptures in the temple when He was twelve!

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