Friday, June 6, 2014

1 Nephi 6

A short little chapter with a lot of food for thought.  In verse 4 I’m led to ask myself, what is “the fullness of mine intent?”  Is my eye single to the glory of God?  Isn't that what this verse describes; the work and glory of God?
In verse 1, we’re reminded that both Nephi and Lehi kept their own records of the same family events, suggesting to me that each of us should keep a journal, regardless of whether or not other loved ones are.

Finally in verse 6, as Nephi commanded his seed not to occupy the record he began with things that are not of worth, so we should encourage our loved ones (and ourselves) not to occupy their/our lives with unworthy things.

1 comment:

KaseyQ said...

Great comments. Gave me a lot to think about. :-)