Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Alma 48

While Amalickiah was stirring the Lamanites up to severe anger against the Nephites, Moroni was also preparing his people.  Not only did he fortify the Nephite cities, he prepared “the minds of the people to be faithful to the Lord their God” (v. 7).  As a matter of fact, under Moroni’s leadership and Helaman’s preaching, the Nephites had so humbled themselves that we read that they were “highly favored of the Lord” (v. 20).  In verses 11 – 16 we find a recipe for preparing our minds and those of our loved ones to be faithful to the Lord.  We need a perfect understanding, a joy in liberty and freedom, a firm faith in Christ and a trust in His powers of delivery.  This is how hearts are fortified against evil (v. 17).

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