Friday, October 3, 2014

Alma 30

Here’s a good argument in support of the first amendment of the US Constitution.  Korihor was able to freely preach against Christ among the Nephites, because their laws allowed religious freedom (see verses 7 – 11).  They felt that anything less would make the people unequal, and they were right.  A State which dictates how its people should worship God, or even if they should worship God, makes unequal a person whose conscience tells him to worship a different way.  Such a person would surely feel oppressed and less worthy in the State’s eyes – making them unequal.  Protecting the rights of all to exercise their own conscience in matters of religion is vital to a free people.  We should all be free to express our faith, not only in what we think, but also in how we practice without fear of oppression from anyone.

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