Monday, August 4, 2014



In their haste to leave Jerusalem 300 years earlier, the people of Zarahemla, whom we know as the Mulekites, had brought no written records with them.  And without written revelation or record, everything was passed down among them in oral tradition.  As a result, their language had become corrupted (that is, the Hebrew that the Mulekites spoke was so far removed from the Hebrew that the Nephites spoke that the two groups could not understand each other).  The Mulekites’ belief in God had vanished in the lack of written revelations.  The people of Zarahemla rejoiced to see the brass plates (the record the Nephites brought from Jerusalem – most of the Old Testament), even though they couldn't read them.  And learning the revelations written there improved their lives.  Do we read the scriptures we have access to?  We should, for learning the revelations available to us can improve our lives.

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