Monday, November 10, 2014

Helaman 5

The amazing story in this chapter teaches us, among other things, the power of prayer to disburse darkness.  Overshadowed by a literal cloud of darkness, Aminadab explained to his fellow Nephite dissenters that if they would pray, the darkness would go away.  And it did (see verses 40 – 43).  In addition to actual darkness, prayer has the power to dispel other kinds of darkness, such as doubt, fear, disbelief and confusion.  After reading in the Book of Mormon for a while, a young friend of mine who didn't believe any God existed, decided to ask Him if He did.  On a cold February day, while sitting in an open window seat, she prayed and asked Heavenly Father if he existed.  She described a penetrating warmth that filled her entire body and stayed with her for about a half hour.  During that time, she didn't feel the coldness of the air coming in through the window next to her.  When the feeling of warmth left her, she no longer wondered, she knew there was a God and that He loved her.  As prayer disbursed her darkness of disbelief, let us remember to pray and allow the Light of Christ to do away with our darkness, whatever it may be.

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