Monday, November 3, 2014

Alma 61

In verse 14 we find this counsel from Governor Pahoran to Moroni:  “Let us resist evil…that we may retain our freedom.”  Some people feel that the commandments of God are restrictive, and that following one’s own desires makes a person free.  But succumbing to evil causes us to lose a portion of our freedom, for we then become subject to the consequences of evil.   An effective way to resist evil is to choose the right, instead.  When we choose good, we become subject to the consequences of good.  The consequences of evil shackle us by limiting our future choices.  (Fortunately, thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ, those shackles can be removed!)  The consequences of good, on the other hand, build on our freedom by opening up our choices.  So, let us resist evil, as Pahoran said, by choosing the right and retaining our freedom.

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