It took fourteen years of ministering, but Alma succeeded in
establishing the Church throughout the whole land. He was aided in his ministry by the Lord’s
pouring out His spirit “to prepare the minds of the children of men” so that
they could be prepared for the gospel Christ would teach their descendants upon
His visit to the new world after His death.
(See verses 16-17.) The Lord
often lays groundwork for the next step.
He, thankfully, understands the need for time. It would be at least 110 years before He
would personally appear to the descendants of these people. It took 1800 years to prepare the Christian
world for the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. He allows the required amount
of time to pass in more personalized ways, as well. He understands that it takes us some time to
adjust our actions and thinking to a new way of life when we first embrace the
gospel. We should allow ourselves, and
others, time to falter and make mistakes as we try to more fully follow Him.
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