Thursday, July 24, 2014

2 Nephi 32

We are familiar with the phrase “feast upon the word” and we automatically think of the written word of Christ.  We’re grateful for additional scriptures that give us more of His word.  But look at this chapter again and you’ll find that the word of Christ Nephi speaks of is personal revelation through the Holy Ghost (see verses 2, 3 and 5), which will tell us what to do once we have entered the path.  It is a challenge to recognize and follow personal revelation.  Thank goodness we live in a time when there are living prophets to help illuminate the way.  But that doesn’t negate the need, nor the Lord’s desire, for us to follow promptings of the Spirit.  How can we do this?  Nephi teaches us the way to develop the ability: prayer as explained in verses 8 and 9.

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