Monday, July 7, 2014

2 Nephi 15

Again, Nephi rejoices in the Lord’s mercy and grace.  The words in this chapter must have sounded very familiar to Nephi, who, by this time had spent no less than 40 years trying to set a good example for his brethren.  “What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it?” asked Isaiah.  What comfort Nephi must have found in the answer to the question found in verse 25: “but [the Lord’s] hand is stretched out still.”  The Lord doesn't give up on wayward Israel.  Neither should Nephi.  Neither should we.  Nephi learned to continue his good example of the past 40 years and to keep “his hand extended” towards his brethren.  Hope pays off.  Charity never faileth!

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